Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week #7: Archive Management - Part II

This week I finished the implementation of "Archive Management", including:
  1. Retrieving a list of collections
  2. Retrieving a collection
  3. Removing a collection

Actually, I've finished it on July 7. After that, I was always thinking about how to implement "Replication". This part(Replication) seems like implementing a "version control system"(Simpler, of course). I still can't figure out an efficient way to do this, so I decide to make it "workable" first.

Here is my thoughts:
  1. Add a "access" attribute to chat element, representing the time this collection is last accessed(created/modified/removed).
  2. modified_handler check this "access" attribute to determine if include this collection in the result set or not.
  3. If a collection has no any child, that means it has been deleted.

The next step:
  1. Mid-term Evaluation, :)
  2. Replication

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